The P2B-F uses an Intel 440BX chipset. It wouldn't officially support a 133
MHz FSB (front side bus) CPU like the 733 (5.5X multiplier).
However, if you're up for running things off-spec, it may be possible to use
the CPU. For example: I had a DFI 6BA+IV mainboard (also 440BX). It allowed
a 133 MHz FSB plus a 1/4 divider on the PCI bus (gave the standard 33 MHz
frequency), and I was able to run a 1GHz Slot 1 CPU (7.5X133) reliably. The
2/3 divider on the AGP controller meant that it was run at 89 MHz, but the
graphics card (nVidia GF 4200) ran fine at that. (I used PC133 SDRAM as
well. The only problem I had with it was that I wanted 256 MB DIMMs, and I
had to use low-density ones. The commonly available ones at the time used
incompatible high-density chips; I ended up ordering the proper ones from
The P2B-F manual is downloadable from Asus
http://www.asus.com.tw/pub/ASUS/mb/slot1/440bx/p2b-f/p2bf-103.pdf ). The
board uses jumpers, but it appears that the 133/33 MHz FSB/PCI settings and
the 2/3 multiplier for the AGP slot are all present, so it may well work.
Whether this archeological exercise would be worth the trouble, I can't say.
I guess that you don't have to worry about voiding the warranty.
Bob Knowlden
Address may be scrambled. Replace nkbob with bobkn.