I think that means the voltage regulator only goes down to 1.8V. This
is fine for use with Coppermine processors that use 1.65, 1.70, or 1.75
volts, but the Tualatin processors use 1.5V and have an absolute
max of 1.75 volts. When you have the "wrong" voltage regulators, your
options are:
1) Find a slocket with VID jumpers/switches. Set the switches to
request 1.8V from the motherboard (the lowest it will go). Put
a Coppermine Pentium processor (if doing "duals") or a Coppermine
Celeron processor (if you never want to use more than a single
processor). An Asus S370DL might be an option for use with the
Coppermine Pentium for "dualing". The manual is here:
2) Replace the voltage regulators with a later version of the
same model number. For example, I've replaced a HIP6004ACB
with a HIP6004BCB, to get VID codes for less than 1.8V to be
recognized. Mod is easier if you use "chipquik" low temp alloy
solder during the removal process, which makes it easier to
separate the chip from the board (
www.digikey.com). Some voltage
regulator replacements can be purchased at newark.com, while
others are hard to find.
3) Use a Powerleap adapter. The PL-iP3/T is suitable for use with
a single processor only (AFAIK). The PLP3/SMP is for dual
configurations (buy one now, buy a second one later). I've never
seen any posts in this group regarding using the PLP3. Both these
slockets have their own voltage regulator that can work to give
1.5V to Tualatin Celeron or Tualatin Pentium processors.
I thought that it was just me that was stupid
You could look on Ebay, but it won't take the people there long to
figure out what that SECC2 is worth. Someone claimed once that there
were thousands of SECC2 1GHz modules left at retail, but I guess the
vendors all think corporations are buying them, thus the elevated
I cannot find any 1.4GHz/100MHz/256KB, where do you see that. I thought
that I might go for a single Tualatin now and then later when I can
afford it get the second one. What about that idea?
If you buy a slocket and a 1.4GHz/100MHz/256KB Tualatin Celeron, that is
only suitable for running a single processor. So, buying a second one
of these won't work. And, since the PL-iP3/T had problems with its
arbitration logic, even if you buy one of the products labelled "Pentium"
or "P3", that still won't be enough to get it to work as a "dual", unless
Powerleap has fixed their bug. You might try emailing them to find out whether
the PLP3/SMP is considered the "bug fix", or the latest PL-iP3/T is
also guaranteed to work. The $119 option (you can only use one of these)
is on this page, as "PL-iP3/T 1.4 GHz Intel Celeron":
If what you need is just the fastest single thread of execution, then
the $119 option will do that for you - if you really like the performance
of duals (snappy desktop while second processor runs at 100%), the duals
option will be more expensive.
The FSB is 100MHz on the "PL-iP3/T 1.4 GHz Intel Celeron", so the fourth
jumper mod on the motherboard isn't needed - the
"PL-iP3/T 1.4 GHz Intel Celeron" is a single processor, mod-free upgrade.
The Powerleap SMP option is here:
http://plpadmin.tempdomainname.com/PLP3SMP.html (no prices shown)
http://powerleap.ca/Products/Server-Upgrades.htm (this site may not be
affiliated with the main powerleap site - it may be a reseller - but
the prices are frightening. $1300 CDN = ~$1000 US for a pair of 1.4G/133/512KB
Tualatin Server modules.
Even if you do this, as "P2B" has discovered and documented on his website,
you will need the "fourth switch" added to your motherboard, to get the
coveted 133MHz FSB/33MHz PCI/89MHz AGP. Without the fourth jumper, the
clock gen gives 133MHz/44MHz/89MHz, which pushes the PCI too far.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice.
If you had a rev 1.06 PCBA D03, then you could use two Slot-T modules (doing
the arbitration logic mod of moving one resistor on each) plus a Pentium
processor in each that supports SMP. If the processors ran at 100MHz FSB, then
no motherboard mod would be needed. If the processor needed 133MHz, then the
"fourth jumper" mod on the motherboard would be needed. Since your rev 1.04
has voltage regulators that only go down to 1.8V, the Slot-T will still work,
but you are restricted to Coppermine processors. (Hope I got all that right
With your rev 1.04, some Coppermine 1GHz Pentium processors plus Slot-T slockets
with resistor mod and VID set to 1.8V, will work. Some Pentium processors are
listed on this Pricewatch page, under P3 1GHz. Note that these all seem to be
133MHz processors, so that "fourth jumper" mod comes to mind again.
This is one project where either you needs bags of money or are very
handy with a soldering iron
Also, when you've decided on what hardware route you want to take, make
sure to check processorfinder.intel.com and use the five character S-Spec
or the longer string "order code" and check to see just what kind of
processor is being offered. Since so much of the product remaining at
retail is the "hard to use" stuff, either check it out before purchase
or ask some more questions here, so you don't get stuck with a box
full of "garbage".
Have fun,