I believe that board maxes out at either 550 or 600 MHz for the CPU.
DaveW, I congratulate you on your consistency ;-) Your one-line posts to
this newsgroup are invariably incorrect.
BIOS support for all Intel Slot-1 and S370 CPUs is available for all
boards in the P2B series, including Coppermine to 1.1Ghz and Tualatin to
Some early revision boards are limited to a minimum Vcore of 1.8v, so
should not be used to run Tualatin processors except in conjunction with
a Powerleap adapter, which supplies the appropriate Vcore. All revisions
can run any Coppermine processor, although you must arrange to change
the CPU's VID request to 1.8v if the default is lower than 1.8v. This is
straightforward for S370 CPUs on slot adapters with VID jumpers,
somewhat more complex (but well documented on various web sites) for
Slot-1 CPUs or adapters without VID control.
Some early revision boards do not have a functional 133Mhz FSB setting,
and are therefore unable to run 133Mhz bus CPUs at full rated speed.
The OP's P2B rev 1.12 board is late revision with support for Tualatin
Vcore requirements and 133Mhz FSB, therefore he can run any Intel Slot-1
or S370 CPU provided BIOS is recent (1014 beta 3 recommended), RAM is
matched to FSB, video card operates at 2/3 FSB, and slot adapter (if
required) is compatible with CPU.