Barry Watzman said:
Yes and no.
You need a very expensive slocket to make a Tualitin-family CPU chip
(which is what you are talking about) work in this motherboard, but it
can be done, at least on some versions of the motherboard.
If it's the right PWM IC, you can use a ~$25 Slot T Upgradeware slotket. Not
very expensive at all. In fact, he can upgrade the CPU for around $100, all
However, in
my opinion, while it may be physically possible, it's not worth it, you
are better off upgrading to a new motherboard.
Eh, perhaps. But this will certainly be a good deal more expensive, and
he'll have to buy memory, processor, mobo, bigger PSU, maybe even a new
video card...
Ballpark figures:
Barton 2500: $75
Good, cheap Socket A mobo: $75
Obligatory minimum 512-meg memory stick: Around the same
Decent PSU: $50
Cheezy and hopefully 128-bit FX5200: $75
So far, we're at more than 3x. And here comes the Monkey Wrench (TM):
Powerleap dropped their prices recently, they have listed:
PL-iP3/T 1.4 GHz Intel Celeron $119.95
Now THAT's more LIKE IT, Powerleap! Their adaptor is head-and-shoulders
above the Slot T in functionality, facility (and expense!). Their heatsink
sucks, tho.
Still, if the regulator is at all a point of concern, this would be the way
to go, now that it's only a little more expensive than the barebones
approach (which should work fine in this case, nonetheless), and certainly
less expensive than before.
You were saying, Barry... ;-) Of course, then we get into the ATA-133
controller (Highpoint Rocket 133 dual-channel, *can be flashed into RAID
support* <hehe>, only $30...) If you're doing this bulk (upgrading the
office boxen on the cheap), the Slot T/Tully combo is even more a
cost-effective choice than a whole system upgrade.
Yep. Should.
Is memory really critical or is
It is a really critical bottleneck, but other than that, normally CPU-bound
apps fly. If you're leaving the FSB alone, your existing memory will work
fine. Running 133 MHz FSB will wake things up a bit, but YMMV with stability
Do you end up
Shouldn't have to...
Can I just
You need to flash the latest BIOS beforehand (v. 1014xxx, IIRC), and turn
off CPU voltage monitoring in BIOS, other than this, it's a shoo-in.
Multipliers are auto-set.
If I am looking for stability, would I be better off at
I'm not sure what draws more, a 1.0 G CuMine, or a 1.4G Tully Celly. Both
seemed to tax the power regulator circuit a wee bit on this here P2B-F. I
have a 1.1 Celly in a $20 Slot T running 133 MHz FSB. The biggest hurdle was
finding a video card to be 24-7 stable with an 89 MHz AGP 2x slot. 2 GF3's,
1 GF4 4200 later, I have a Radeon 8500 in here and it works fine. The Nvidia
cards were rather power-hungry, so they caused occasional hard locks. Not
Acceptable, Sir! The ATI card works without complaint and this box has been
completely stable for many months. Aside from the video thang, it was all
P2B and Wes Newell would likely be able to fill in on detailed specifics.