When i use API
int WINAPI HHGetPhrase(WORD wCode,LPWORD* pResult);
I write the following c# code :
[DllImport("HHRES.dll", EntryPoint="HHGetPhrase", SetLastError=true)]
internal static extern int HWGetPhrase( UInt16 wCode, UInt16[][]
pResult );
UInt16[][] LX=new UInt16[10][] ;
int num=InputMethod.HanWang.HWGetPhrase(tempUInt16,LX);
but it throw NotSupportException , why ?
int WINAPI HHGetPhrase(WORD wCode,LPWORD* pResult);
I write the following c# code :
[DllImport("HHRES.dll", EntryPoint="HHGetPhrase", SetLastError=true)]
internal static extern int HWGetPhrase( UInt16 wCode, UInt16[][]
pResult );
UInt16[][] LX=new UInt16[10][] ;
int num=InputMethod.HanWang.HWGetPhrase(tempUInt16,LX);
but it throw NotSupportException , why ?