Jonas said:
I have a P/I-P55T2P4 rev 3.0 mobo
I have a 256KB Cache Module, without TAG ( I think)
Do I need a TAG SRAM upgrade in order to take full advantage of 256MB EDO
Yes, you need an extra TAG RAM in order to get more than 64 Mbyte cached
(or a CPU with L2 cache on chip: K6-2+ or K&-III(+) ).
However, this extra TAG RAM may be placed in the socket of the board
(next to the CPU socket) *or* on the Level2 Cache Expansion module that
can be placed in the long L2 Cache Expansion Slot right of the TAG SRAM
upgrade socket (newer boards don't have this slot but already 512 KB
Cache on board but this is IMHO not true for all Rev 3.0 boards).
Your 256 KB Cache are on board (not on an expansion module). Therefore,
you should get an extra TAG SRAM (if there isn't already one).
You may want to check your uncached memory by using ctcm16r or ctcm17a
Can I work with both Cache Module + TAG SRAM ?
If you mean the on-board L2 cache: yes and you should if you've got more
than 64 Mbyte RAM
If you mean an extra level2 cache expansion in the corresponding slot:
Maybe (it depends on what kind of cache upgrade module you've got. There
are some that have already got an extra TAG SRAM, then you must *not*
place an extra TAG SRAM chip in the TAG RAM socket. Otherwise you
I think it's hard to find an Cache upgrade module but it should be
fairly easy (and cheap) to get a proper TAG SRAM, even new ...
Dont' forget to properly set jumper JP4 for your cacheable area.
Otherwise your board will become unstable.