brentromero said:
I noticed that my user name is "Owner" and am wondering if I should use some
other login handle. I'm the only user on my MCE 2005 and I read that it
could make my pc more prone to virus attacks. True?
More prone to viruses? Not specifically. But you will be much more
susceptible to other malware, particularly adware and spyware. While
using a computer with limited privileges isn't the cure-all, silver
bullet that some claim it to be, any experienced IT professional will
verify that doing so definitely reduces that amount of damage and depth
of penetration by the malware. If you get infected/infested while
running as an administrator, the odds are much greater that any malware
will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to remove with formating
the hard drive and starting anew. The malware will have the same
privileges to all of the files on your hard drive that you do.
If it makes no
difference, I'm okay with leaving it as is.
Unless you're an knowledgeable and experienced in computer security, it
really isn't very wise for you to do your day-to-day computing using an
account with administrative privileges. Even then, you'll need to take
strong security precautions, in the forms of good anti-virus software, a
good firewall, and frequent malware scans.
If not, how do I change it and
still transfer all my files to my new handle?
A wiser course of action would be to create another, limited user
account for your daily use and copy desired the files and settings from
the Owner account to this newly created user profile.
HOW TO Create and Configure User Accounts in Windows XP;en-us;279783
How to Copy User Data to a New User Profile;en-us;811151
Bruce Chambers
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