Joe "Nuke Me Xemu" Foster said:
"Rob Teixeira [MVP]" <> wrote in message
Feel free to search the various VB groups for Joe Foster and Matt Curland.
You know exactly what I'm talking about.
Anyway, even if value types were to be extended as I described,
migrating VB5/6 code to what Micro$haft laughably claims to be "Visual
Basic" these days would be ridiculous.
Interesting. I and many others have been migrating code for years now. If it
was so ridiculous, don't you think we would all have quit by now?
By the way, your overuse of the cute little idioms like "Micro$haft" have
historically never helped your arguments. Why persist?
You seem unclear about the concepts of "cause" and "effect". "Most
types encasing unmanaged resources are reference types" precisely
because value types are currently not very useful for this purpose.
I'm sure their use would become more common if they were extended
in the way I described.
Not quite. Value types and Reference types have very different behavious,
among them - value types cannot inherit base classes, and there are
limitations over implementing interfaces with them, as well as the
referencing differences due to boxing. Value types serve their purpose, but
they are not a replacement for the class structure. There are many good
reasons why there are far more reference types than value types, and it has
nothing to do with usefulness. Both types are used for a reason.
What are you babbling about? Are you trying to claim deterministic
finalization is impossible in VB now?
Hardly. You missed my opening statement that VB.NET does indeed have
deterministic finalization - it's called the Dispose method.
Or are you merely hallucinating
based on the old problems with .Close and .Quit endemic to Microsoft
Where is this tangent leading?
If your own components have reference bugs, that's your
own fault, not somehow Visual Basic's.
Exactly. The same still holds true. Thanks for making my point for me.
You know, I'd think you'd be over all the ranting by now. If you hate the
product so much, why are you still here after years?
Feel free to post when learn how to contribute something meaningful
(operative word being CONTRIBUTE, which last I heard, was not the same
-Rob Teixeira [MVP]