The Bee,
| So you can duplicate a name of a routine many
| times without issue?
Yes this is known as overloading.
| Does compiler than automatically choose which to use
| based on parameters passed?
Yes the compiler looks at the number of parameters & their types to decide
which overload to call.
| What if both routines have same parameters with
| types?
The signatures of the methods (routines) need to be unique on number & type
of parameters. Overloading on return value or parameter name will cause a
compile error.
Advanced information:
..NET 2.0 (VS 2005) allows you to overload generic classes on the number of
type parameters, however you cannot overload a generic simply on the
constraint. For example:
System.Nullable - has shared methods pertaining to all nullable types.
System.Nullable(Of T) - creates a specific nullable type, such as
Nullable(Of Integer) & Nullable(Of Double).
The reason for the two Nullable types is to simplify calling of the methods
on System.Nullable...
Hope this helps
Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]
..NET Application Architect, Enthusiast, & Evangelist
T.S. Bradley -
| Thank you very much for the time you spent replying. It is greatly
| appreciated.
| So the person who wrote the code really didn't need to do both. They
| have just used the first one? So you can duplicate a name of a routine
| times without issue? Does compiler than automatically choose which to use
| based on parameters passed? What if both routines have same parameters
| types? What happens then?
| Thanks again
| | >
| > Tom Shelton wrote:
| >> TheBee wrote:
| >> > Hello,
| >> >
| >> > I have seen the following routines in a class and don't understand
| >> > they
| >> > work. For one, why two new() routines? Which is executed? Why not
| >> > just use
| >> > one routine? What does the mybase do in this case? Bit confusing!

| >> > Thanks
| >> >
| >> > '<remarks/>
| >> > Public Sub New()
| >> > MyBase.New()
| >> > Me.Url =
| >> >
| >> > +
| >> > "/ReportService.asmx"
| >> > End Sub
| >> >
| >> > '<remarks/>
| >> > Public Sub New(ByVal ReportServerURL As String)
| >> > MyBase.New()
| >> > Me.Url = ReportServerURL + "/ReportService.asmx"
| >> > End Sub
| >>
| >> MyBase.New in this case is not strictly necessary, since it is simply
| >> calling the base classes default constructor. The only time that
| >> MyBase.New is required is if the Base class can't be constucted without
| >> parameters - in other words, there is no constructor that doesn't take
| >> arguments. You may optionally use it if you want to pass arguments to
| >> the base class constuctor... Maybe a small example to make this clear:
| >>
| >> Option Strict On
| >> Option Explicit On
| >>
| >> Imports System
| >>
| >> Module Module1
| >>
| >> ' Base with only a default constructor
| >> Private Class Base
| >> Public Sub New(ByVal param As String)
| >> Console.WriteLine("Base New - {0}", param)
| >> End Sub
| >> End Class
| >>
| >
| > Crap... I copied in the wrong constructor.. That should simply be:
| >
| > ' Base with only a default constructor
| > Public Sub New()
| > Console.WriteLine("Base New")
| > End Sub
| >
| > Sorry for the confusion!
| >
| > --
| > Tom Shelton [MVP]
| >