"Overflow" error message



I received an "Overflow" error message when someone was
inputting info into my database and then tried to run one
of my reports. What does this mean? How do I correct the


John Vinson

I received an "Overflow" error message when someone was
inputting info into my database and then tried to run one
of my reports. What does this mean? How do I correct the


Overflow means that Access is trying to compute a number bigger than
the datatype can handle - e.g. an Integer greater than 65535 or a Long
Integer greater than two billion odd. This often happens when you try
to divide a large number by a very small one; often it's just an
expression, such as a date, that Access is misinterpreting as a

Try opening the Report's recordsource query in datasheet view. Do you
get the error? Does one field have #Error in it? If so, check how that
field is defined.

Douglas J. Steele

It usually means you're calculating a value that's too big for the field
type. For instance, you might have declared something as an Integer (which
can only hold values between -32,768 and 32,767), and you're doing
arithmetic that results in a number outside of that range.

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