Overcome 4,095MB Page File Size Limit in Windows

  • Thread starter Thread starter JBailey
  • Start date Start date



I am currently running a 2000 Server that I want to set up with a page file
larger than 4095MB. I have attemtped to follow Q article 237740, but
everytime I attempt to make the changes suggested to the registry I get a
blue screen.

The article states that the key to modify should be altered to:

c:\pagefile1\pagefile.sys minsize maxsize
c:\pagefile2\pagefile.sys minsize maxsize

I have created the subdirectories, but the key itself doesnt allow me to
modify it quite so easy. It seems I need to type the following:

c.:.\.p.a.g.e.f.i.l.e.1.\.p.a.g.e.f.i.l.e...s.y.s. . .

Obviously something is goping wrong here. Please help, I really need these
larger pagefiles.

How much RAM do you have?



I am currently running a 2000 Server that I want to set up with a page file
larger than 4095MB. I have attemtped to follow Q article 237740, but
everytime I attempt to make the changes suggested to the registry I get a
blue screen.

The article states that the key to modify should be altered to:

c:\pagefile1\pagefile.sys minsize maxsize
c:\pagefile2\pagefile.sys minsize maxsize

I have created the subdirectories, but the key itself doesnt allow me to
modify it quite so easy. It seems I need to type the following:

c.:.\.p.a.g.e.f.i.l.e.1.\.p.a.g.e.f.i.l.e...s.y.s. . .

Obviously something is goping wrong here. Please help, I really need these
larger pagefiles.

larger than 4095MB. I have attemtped to follow Q article 237740, but
c.:.\.p.a.g.e.f.i.l.e.1.\.p.a.g.e.f.i.l.e...s.y.s. . .

According the KB article 237740 you have to use REGEDT32

Ciao, Walter
8 GB RAM ?????

Sorry, I don't buy it.

Right click My Computer icon and go to properties
What does the number say near the "KB RAM" at the bottom?

Pete Choppin, MCP
Win2K Pro and Server support up to 4GB. Period.

If you want to use 8GB buy Advanced Server or Datacenter.


I could be wrong, but how about taking 4ea out,
if you are using 1gig sticks...

Afterward using regedt32

try it one more time with three folders
what you said you did is right,
but please patronize me

may I just go thru it? (what I saw was %SystemRoot% is c: )
make three folders under c: drive

Add "system" as a user with full control of c:
(thru the Control Panel Applet)
Start>Settings>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>
d/c Logical Drives>d/c right pane c: >Security[tab]>
Advanced[button]>Add...>d/c SYSTEM>check all>OK out

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\
Memory Management\d/c PagingFile yada yada

c:bailey1\pagefile.sys 3000 4000
c: bailey2\pagefile.sys 3000 4000
c: bailey3\pagefile.sys 3000 4000

OK all the way out
and cold boot (for me)

Tell me that don't work and I lose a beat.
Please, don't say it didn't work.


Nope, can't do it.

Win 2000 Pro/Server only supports a 4GB address space. Your total
physical/virtual memory cannot exceed 4GB. You're asking for a
virtual memory address space by itself of 4GB. Can't be done.
Sorry, in my original post I said I was using windows 2000 server, I meant I
was using windows 2000 advanced server. I DO have 8GB RAM. I enabled this
with the /pae switch in the boot.ini

Now back to my original question. How do I split the pagefile into multiple
directories correctly so I can overcome the 4095MB limit.