I'm just seeing how much further I can push my 3700, I've taken it up another 100mhz to 2.8 and its stable, but it doesn't want to go any further on the stock voltage.
So I changed the CPU voltage to 1.5.
But when I opened up cpu-z, it was still on 1.44 -ish volts.
Then when I went to Coretemp to look at the temp, it says VID is 1.35 volts.
So could someone tell me which of these I should increase for the CPU? Should I be increasing VID instead?
So I changed the CPU voltage to 1.5.
But when I opened up cpu-z, it was still on 1.44 -ish volts.
Then when I went to Coretemp to look at the temp, it says VID is 1.35 volts.
So could someone tell me which of these I should increase for the CPU? Should I be increasing VID instead?