Overclocking Radeon 9600Pro

  • Thread starter Thread starter Metaphoid
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I recently grabbed a Gigacube 9600Pro VIVO for under AU$300 which I was
pretty happy about. All the moreso when I discovered how easy it was to
overclock using a program like RadClocker, and how at these increased speeds
it often betters the more expensive 9500Pro. I've only had it for a day, but
have settled for the time being on a Core speed of 462Mhz and RAM at 352Mhz
(default 400/300). Surprisingly, it looks like the core is nearing it's
limits, but my RAM looks to have some headway left, which was surprising
given it was only the cheaper Samsung 3.3ns (300Mhz) variety and not the
preferable 2.8 or 2.5ns chips that are appearing on some cards.

So anyhow, given I was unable to find any information on the card before
purchase, I thought I'd just share my feelings. As mentioned, the
exceedingly cheap Gigacube 128Mb Radeon 9600Pro came with 3.3ns Samsung
memory and a flash looking silver heatsink and clear silent fan with three
flashing multicolour leds. It's early days in my overclocking, but I was
expecting a better core overclock than 462Mhz (+15%), so I'll have to have a
better look at the stock heatsink in the coming days. Still, even at this
speed, it's barely warm to touch, and it is a decent size. The memory has
performed better than expected, although I was surprised it wasn't rated at
2.8ns (350Mhz) like the majority of other 9600Pro's out there. That said,
it's had no problem reaching that speed. The package was minimalist,
containing DVI-CRT converter, four way (2 in, 2 out) VIVO cable, driver CD,
PowerDVD CD, Power Direct Pro CD and Black Hawk Down. Overall, I'm pretty

So anyhow, I was just curious to hear what speeds other's were getting out
of their 9600Pro's? As mentioned, my early settings are 462 (Core) and 352
(RAM), what's your 9600 Pro running at?
I bought a Sapphire 9600Pro a couple of weeks ago. I paid $155
delivered at Googlegear.

I was immediately able to run it up to 500 core and 400 memory. This
is using the stock cooler and fan. This is also in a case that gets
very hot. Any attempt to exceed these numbers would quickly fail.

I have picked out a replacement aluminum case with 6 fans that I will
be switching to in the very near future. I would expect to get even
more out of the card then.
I was just wondering...I also purchased the gigacube radeon 9600pro
without the vivo w/256mb...Under radlinker i am seeing 398/203..is
this right or what? You said yours is 400/300..Anyways prob a simple
explanation, seems to be my luck...And also i tried to update to the
newest cats (3.6) and i cannot i just get a black screen on bootup i
have to restart in safe mode and uninsatll them...the only ones that
work right now are the ones that came with the card...The ones that
came with the card are 3.2.

I bought a Sapphire 9600Pro a couple of weeks ago. I paid $155
delivered at Googlegear.

I was immediately able to run it up to 500 core and 400 memory. This
is using the stock cooler and fan. This is also in a case that gets
very hot. Any attempt to exceed these numbers would quickly fail.

I have picked out a replacement aluminum case with 6 fans that I will
be switching to in the very near future. I would expect to get even
more out of the card then.

Hey i also have purchased one of these cards but without the vio and
with 256mb..Anyways i dont understand but my card default clock is
398/202 well i find this kinda odd when it should be 400/300...The
core seems ok but the mem seems way off....And have you had any sucess
with driver updates cuz i tried to update the newest cats (3.6) off
Ati's site and no luck i get a black screen on reboot...I have to go
into safe mode an uninstall them.....I guess we can only use the
drivers that come from gigacube....Well all this is kinda
dissapointing to me...any help would be appreciated..

Does make it a little confusing, especially when the name the manufacturer
gives the card is instantly recognisable as a different product from ATI.
Its the art of 'deceptive' marketing, the art of snagging the less informed.
Often times it is a chore to find out ahead of purchase exactly what are the
default clocks, what RAM chips are being used, hence the need for hardware
review sites, and sticking to trusted brands.

As an aside, I see that nVidia has its 4800SE card, which despite initial
expectations, is not a 'special edition', but a 'slow edition', and also
with their low end FX5200 cards showing up with 64-bit & 128-bit data
busses, with no indication on the packaging which way it will go.

Buyer beware, know your product!
Chimera said:

As an aside, I see that nVidia has its 4800SE card, which despite initial
expectations, is not a 'special edition', but a 'slow edition', and also
with their low end FX5200 cards showing up with 64-bit & 128-bit data
busses, with no indication on the packaging which way it will go.

Buyer beware, know your product!

As to the FX5200... It has got to be the slowest video card with dedicated
memory for the DX9 standard... I mean virtually no Z-buffer acceleration!
Even with 128bit memory it is a joke... Of course, if they didn't cripple
it like that it would cut the knees off of the FX5600...

Just like if ATI hadn't chopped the pipes on the 9600 in half it would be
too close to the 9800...

The difference being that ATI brought out the 9200 as a pure DX8 piece, and
nVidia tried to fudge over the 5200 as a DX9 one...