Overclocking my DVD-RW

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ron
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My friend said it is possible to overclock a DVD burner, which I was told to
get your drive to write faster than what it's suppose to do.

Anyone hear about this?
Ron said:
My friend said it is possible to overclock a DVD burner, which I was
told to get your drive to write faster than what it's suppose to do.

Anyone hear about this?

Your "friend" doesn't know what he's on about. A DVD burner cannot be
overclocked. I think he means "overburning" which has to be supported by the
drive, burning software and media. If it's only supported by one or two of
these things, then it cannot happen.

What is overburning? It's the process of fitting more than 74 or 80 minutes
of audio (700 or 800MB) on one CD. For example I have some CDs which claim
to hold over 100 minutes of audio (about 900MB). I can use these because my
software (Nero) and drive (NEC 5240) support it.

How does it work? In simple terms the tracks are closer together and the
lead-out area is used if storing data.

Or, he could have meant updating the firmware which might make the drive
support faster speeds.
I would drop it here and now because the only way I see you "overclocking"
your drive is by loading some non-manufacturer firmware which will void any
warranty and probably ruin your drive.
Yes, your friend!


Richard Urban

If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!
To all concerned it is possible technically to "overclock" a DVD burner but
it involves reasonably intricate knowledge of firmware editors and .bin file
modification, you risk at least 2 things when you do this, destroying your
drive by permanently corrupting the firmware or destroying the components in
the drive by changing settings that were never meant to be changed. There
are various freeware programs to do such things which leads me to believe
that its not only possible but relatively easy to do. Ask yourself 2 things
before partaking, do I have the money to replace the drive? Is the trouble
and potential risk worth 6 minutes off of a burn time.
Ron said:
My friend said it is possible to overclock a DVD burner, which I was told to
get your drive to write faster than what it's suppose to do.

Anyone hear about this?

Leave it be for best results.
Ron said:
My friend said it is possible to overclock a DVD burner, which I was told to
get your drive to write faster than what it's suppose to do.

Anyone hear about this?

If the drive were truly capable of sustained reliable operation at
higher than the rated speed then the manufacturer would have given it
the higher speed rating.

Higher speed drives sell for more money than low speed drives, and
manufacturers would not pass up an opportunity to get higher prices.

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP
DVD burners, especially LG drives, are very cheap. You can get an LG 4163
for about $65 and it is dual layer 16x drive; they don't come any
'faster'... Then buy some newer discs than you might be using. In case you
are wondering; LG burners are the ONLY drives I buy, they will burn
anything, including RAM discs if you have any use for them. They are very
DVD burners, especially LG drives, are very cheap. You can get
an LG 4163
for about $65 and it is dual layer 16x drive; they don't come
'faster'... Then buy some newer discs than you might be using.
In case you
are wondering; LG burners are the ONLY drives I buy, they will
anything, including RAM discs if you have any use for them.
They are very

which I was told

yeah I’d leave it how it is unless you are having problems. My cousin
updated his firmware for his drive and he was having no problems.
After the firmware update he couldnt burn cd’s anymore.
Javelin3o4 said:
yeah I’d leave it how it is unless you are having problems. My cousin
updated his firmware for his drive and he was having no problems.
After the firmware update he couldnt burn cd’s anymore.

Updating firmware for your cd burners is something I'd do only as a last
resort. ie if it was suggessted I do so to get XP to see/use the drive.

Richard Urban said:
Yes, your friend!


Richard Urban

If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!