Overclockers UK

Yeah i think it's great, a lot cleaner, and now they have an Account feature, you can track past orders rather than have to sift through emails to find what you've ordered.

Nice website they've got going, although check out OCUK forums, seems lots of people are winging about it.
Yeah, they had some technical problems with the new site, so they switched back to the old one for know while they iron out the issues.
Muttley said:
am sure i had a post here and it just vanished

did i upset someone ??

If you wish to criticise a supplier - and only with good cause - please contribute further to the Dealer's section thread.

This thread is talking about their website, not their service.

Sorry to be so pernickety but if we carry groundless criticism, we leave ourselves open to legal action, odd though it may seem.
floppybootstomp said:
If you wish to criticise a supplier - and only with good cause - please contribute further to the Dealer's section thread.

This thread is talking about their website, not their service.

Sorry to be so pernickety but if we carry groundless criticism, we leave ourselves open to legal action, odd though it may seem.

Sorry .... point taken :o