Overclock is back!?

They were taken over, bought out. I do believe an earlier thread here covered this.

As yet, their reputation/efficiency/reliability is unknown.

The previous owners were good.

The new owners are unknown.

One has to ask two questions:

1) Why did they go bust in the first place?

2) What did the new owners see in way of potential?
I wonder too!

totally off topic but
Flopps your music is brilliant I am currently listening to your Reggae selection
Bitty Mclean - It keeps raining
it's bringing back so many memories!
Rush said:
Flops music Channel ??? where ?

As in where I sell stuff to peeps and sometimes these DVD's fulla mp3's sometimes slip in ;)

After thirty odd years of DJ-ing - and along the way paying for a helluva lotta music - I have accumulated lottsa tunes.

Tonight, we found out Jason is taking over the Trafalgar in two weeks, as guvnor.

This may mean I will get to play the music in there.

Could be fun :)