Overclock.co.uk Closes

Oh dear, i never used them myself. I wonder why they closed?
I bought some stuff off of them about eight weeks ago.

I guess it's out of warranty now then.... :(
AbsoluteKevster said:
That is interesting!
A big player like that...
Got their latest newsletter this afternoon...!

Are you confusing them with OverclockersUK (OcUK)? - as I got their newsletter this afternoon......

how did you work that out so quick admin?

I was looking on their site 3 days ago and it was working fine.

I wonder what happened to them.
I used to go to them and pick up my goods it is sad to see them go.

We used to have a company called Kotech here, that closed.
Now overclock has closed what is happening to these companies?

I fancy taking a little trip to their warehouse I wonder if they got any little sale there to clear out the warehouse.
psd99 said:
how did you work that out so quick admin?

I saw it mentioned on another forum, but thought I'd post it here :thumb:

Anything bought from them is or should be still coverd by its manufacturers guarentee so you should be safe. Not sure about and RTB's tho

Certain legal statuates are set up in law to protect consumers in these situations however im sure loopholes are found by companys to avoid them having to fork out for goods
anyone know what happened to them?

I thought they were doing well.

I will be most suprised to see the demise of overclockers.co.uk
psd99 said:
I will be most suprised to see the demise of overclockers.co.uk

It wasn't overclockers.co.uk, but overclock.co.uk :)