David Tyndall
My grandson is three years old and loves to play
his "Reader Rabbit" learning games on his mothers
computer. Papa has built him his own PC. Now for problem,
how to keep him out of places he doesn't belong. I set
his user account to limmited,but he still opens
everything on the computer that he can. Is there any
software program that will let him on the computer in a
very tightly controlled manner so as not to allow access
to anything but his "Reader Rabbit". He loves to move the
desktop icons around, open control panel, and add and
remove programs all by his little self.
PS:I spent over $1,000.00 so he can be on his own
computer, not to keep him off of the computer.
his "Reader Rabbit" learning games on his mothers
computer. Papa has built him his own PC. Now for problem,
how to keep him out of places he doesn't belong. I set
his user account to limmited,but he still opens
everything on the computer that he can. Is there any
software program that will let him on the computer in a
very tightly controlled manner so as not to allow access
to anything but his "Reader Rabbit". He loves to move the
desktop icons around, open control panel, and add and
remove programs all by his little self.
PS:I spent over $1,000.00 so he can be on his own
computer, not to keep him off of the computer.