Windows 7 Over heating issue

Feb 28, 2011
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My system configuration is

Mother board : Asus M2N-vm DVI
Processor : AMD phenom x4 9650 2.3 GHz
OS: Windows 7 32bit
memory : 4gb
Graphics card: sapphire ATI HD 5770
Power supply: 550W

When I'm playing a game(COD Black ops for eg.) on maxed out settings, i can play the game for about 20-30mins
and then it gets to point where the games gets stuck and i get a static noise, this happens couple of time and then the monitor turns off but the computer will still be running.
When I restart the computer the graphics will be running at 45' to 49'C which is normal. But i get burning smell, Is it my processor?
I just have the normal fan for the CPU and no extra fan. Help!!!
Hiya shams21 and welcome to the forum.

One post for one problem is the norm, gets confusing otherwise, so I've deleted your other two identical posts/threads.

What make is your power supply?

Usually - but not always - burning smells come from the PSU and if yours is a generic make it's likely getting stressed.

Does the burning smell occur only during playing Black Ops? Or at other times as well?
The power supply unit is MRON. And the burning smell comes only after playing games for some time.

And sorry about the multiple threads, I got a lil confused:o.
I would point my finger at the power supply. When playing games at high settings it makes your computer draw a lot of power out of the power supply as the graphics card will be maxed out, processor maxed and also your memory. A cheap power supply just wont cut it for gaming, if you had a decent brand power supply (corsair,enermax,cooler master) it isn't a problem, but a cheap power supply simply cannot cope!

What temperature does your processor get to when it crashes? If you haven't got a temperature monitor for the processor download speedfan
Guys these are the temp readings i got after playing 15 mins of black ops.


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those tempratures are fine, if you can try a different PSU give it a go. Im pretty sure thats your problem.
Yep, your PSU is heading for imminent death me thinks...

How much you wanna spend?

£52? That will be mor ethan enough, and with power to spare. :user:
Really? PSU? I would have guessed it was the Videocard. Probably out dated Drivers. although I can see PSU as the 2nd bet especially when it comes to Max Settings making the PSU putting out more wattage.
i would have guessed video as well. i would think that would fail before the power supply.

Whilst quite likely, in my experience PSU failing would take precedence over vid card failing.

In total, I've had 2 vid cards fail, both ATI, one with with an exploding capacitor, the other with no discernible sign of failure.

On the other hand, I've had about ten PSU's fail on me, at least.

Don't really matter anyway cos this guy ain't coming back, is he? :)
I just thought GPU because of outdated Drivers. Although I have noticed lots of time, even new drivers suck on games such has WoW. Bad frame rates! Le sigh.