I have a macro that contains the Output To command. The command is supposed
to start the Excel application after the Output To action runs. The
parameters for this command include:
1. Object Type - Query
2. Object Name - < query name >
3. Object Format -Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (*.xls)
4. Object File - C:\Report
5. Autostart - Yes
When I ran this macro, I received an error message stating that Microsoft
Office Access Can't Start OLE Server. Our Field Support team attempted to
re-install Microsoft Office/XP to make sure we capture all the components
required by the interface between Access and Excel. Still this approach did
not work. I would appreciate any other ideas that would help us resolve this
issue. I tried the Access Knowledge Base but did not get any satisfactory
to start the Excel application after the Output To action runs. The
parameters for this command include:
1. Object Type - Query
2. Object Name - < query name >
3. Object Format -Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (*.xls)
4. Object File - C:\Report
5. Autostart - Yes
When I ran this macro, I received an error message stating that Microsoft
Office Access Can't Start OLE Server. Our Field Support team attempted to
re-install Microsoft Office/XP to make sure we capture all the components
required by the interface between Access and Excel. Still this approach did
not work. I would appreciate any other ideas that would help us resolve this
issue. I tried the Access Knowledge Base but did not get any satisfactory