I have a need to output a memo field to an embedded textbox on an exce
Can anyone tell me what the syntax is to access the textbox on th
excel from an an Access vba procedure. I have set up the code to ope
the right workbook and sheet and have no problem with accessing th
sheet itself.
I have been able to look at some of the properties by usin
sheetcontrol.Shapes(x) but everytime i try to read or write the text t
the textbox i get the message that it doesn't support this property
Can anyone tell me what the syntax is to access the textbox on th
excel from an an Access vba procedure. I have set up the code to ope
the right workbook and sheet and have no problem with accessing th
sheet itself.
I have been able to look at some of the properties by usin
sheetcontrol.Shapes(x) but everytime i try to read or write the text t
the textbox i get the message that it doesn't support this property