Hi Anton ,
OutOfMemoryException can be thrown because of two reasons: ran out of
physical RAM, and ran out of virtual memory space(only for x86 system).
Windows is using virtual memory model. Although there may be a lot of
physical RAM, the virtual memory space may not be enough. We should examine
virtual memory counters, such as "Virtual Size" and "Private Bytes" etc...
I would recommend you to download the "Process Explorer" tool from the link
below. Then, you may examine your application process in Process Explorer.
First, you should added two more columns for the process lists: "Process
Memory"->"Privates Bytes" and "Virtual Size". Please paste the result here
for analysis.(Get the result when your process is crashing)
Also, you may meet the problem below:
"You may receive the "System.OutOfMemoryException" error message when you
view ASP.NET pages on a server that has 3 gigabytes of RAM"
The articles below contain a lot of information about how to understand and
troubleshoot the memory issue:
"Identify And Prevent Memory Leaks In Managed Code"
"Investigating Memory Issues"
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Community Support
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