Outlooks is Slow on ThinClients...


Scott Townsend

Outlook seems to run particularly slow on a ThinClient (various Wyse
Clients) If you RDP into the server from an XP or Vista machine its not slow
at all. Other Apps on the ThinClients seem to work just fine.

So when I mean slow, you can type whole sentences in a new email and not see
the first letter you typed until you have finished the sentence. Menu
options take forever to highlight...

Any Suggestions to Try? Sometimes rebooting the Client helps, but we have
several Clients of various flavors so it seems unlikely its client specific?
I think they are all Running either Wyse OS with RDP Client, or WinCE.


Carl Carter-Schwendler [MS]

Is Outlook still slow when you logon to the terminal server locally?

One reason that Outlook might behave differently on a terminal server is
that Cached Exchange mode is not supported on terminal servers.

You may not see the same issues on your clients because Outlook can mask
many connectivity problems with the backend Exchange server by using its
local cache.

If Outlook has the same problems when you log on locally, you may want to
start debugging your Exchange server and the connectivity to it.

Scott Townsend

Thank you for your reply.

So maybe I was not clear with who's using what and how they are accessing

We have a Terminal Server with Clients that are both Wyse ThinClients and
WinXP/Vista Clients
The Wyse Clients Connecting to the TS to use Outlook are Slow
The WinXP/Vista Clients connecting to the TS to use Outlook seems to be

So No one is running outlook locally, they are all using it on the Terminal

I have not Logged on locally to the Server to Check for issues, just the
ThinTerms and the WinXP Clients.

Thanks again.

Josh Rosenberg [MSFT]

If the thin clients are underpowered graphically, and you have IE7
installed, and you have ClearType rendering for HTML enabled, that could
cause some problems.

You can disable ClearType to help, or better (performance wise), switch
setting to compose and view in Plain Text. If that works, you know where
the bottleneck is and can decide how to handle it. Let us know how it goes.


Outlook seems to run particularly slow on a ThinClient (various Wyse
Clients) If you RDP into the server from an XP or Vista machine its not slow
at all. Other Apps on the ThinClients seem to work just fine.

So when I mean slow, you can type whole sentences in a new email and not see
the first letter you typed until you have finished the sentence. Menu
options take forever to highlight...

Any Suggestions to Try? Sometimes rebooting the Client helps, but we have
several Clients of various flavors so it seems unlikely its client specific?
I think they are all Running either Wyse OS with RDP Client, or WinCE.

I use Neoware Win CE terminals, 50+ of them, connecting to a Dual Xeon
CPU server with 3GB RAM, the users tell me their experience is faster
than their 2.8ghz P4 systems that they had been using.

MS Office 2003 Prof is installed on the T/S box and they use Outlook
2003 for all email - not to mention faxes and such.

What thin clients are you using?

What type of terminal server are you having them connect to?

Have you looked at the load on the drives, memory, CPU's on your
terminal server?

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