Outlook Outlook XP - Delegate not being notified when recipient accepts/declines meeting inv.

May 26, 2005
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We have a VP with an administrative assistant. The assistant has been set up as a delegate on the VP's mailbox for quite a long time now and can respond to meeting invitations sent to the VP. (Both users are running Office XP Standard w/Service Pack 3.) Recently, when the VP is sent a meeting invitation (which shows up both in hers and her assistant's inboxes) and accepts it on her own, when the assistant opens up the same invitation, the information bar at the top of the request has NOT been indicating that the VP already accepted the meeting. Instead, it'll simply say "please respond to this request on behalf of....". The next time around, however, the VP will accept the meeting, the assistant will open up that same meeting request in her own mailbox, and this time, it'll say at the top "(so and so) has accepted this meeting on (such and such date)".

The problem has no consistency in working or not working. Does anyone have any suggestions on what may be tried to get it working more uniformly?