Outlook XP Archive



Outlook-XP with SP-3

Whenever I run the "archive all folders according to their autoarchive
settings" the operation fails. Each time a new Personal Folder has been
added to my list of folders which can not be opened. I keep removing these
data folders but they come back every time archive runs automatically. I can
archive my Personal Folders okay if I select to run for that item only. I've
tried running Check and Repair and also uninstalled & reinstalled Outlook
but problem remains. I assume there is a folder missing but I have not been
able to locate any reference to it that I can manually delete. Note only the
archive All is causing the problem everything else seems to be fine. Anyone
have any suggestions??

By the way, the platform is Windows-XP Pro

No direct Email Please


Please disregard! I found my answer was to simply delete and recreate my
as shown in a previous posting. I just hadn't gone back far enough to find
answer I needed.

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