Outlook Tickbox, Printing, Saving Values

Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hi there,

I'm really new in creation of Forms from Outlook.

1) I have created a form with multiple tickboxes however i can tick everybox.
Eg - Has the result met your needs, multiple tickboxes such as excellent, good, average, poor. I'm wondering if i can put a logic in place saying that if 1 box 'excellent' is picked, all other fields cannot be ticked and this would be a vice versa for all fields.

2) I'm having problems in printing, as it only produces a printout full of '0' and '1'

3) is there a way that the person filling out the form, once the form has been emailed, no other changes can be applied to that form. Even greyed out would be exceptional.

4) Can i also send a form to a particular person and when that person replies it automatically CC's another ?

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.