Does anyone know if there are any utilities or programs
that can pull the .OST task data into a useable database
format? Our company assigns tasks via a departmental
Exchange Mail box task list, they would like to report on
which tasks are past due and send this report to the Vice
President. I cannot find a way to get at the task data in
a file and field format to use say in SQL, Crystal or
Access. Does anyone know if this is even possible??
Does anyone know if there are any utilities or programs
that can pull the .OST task data into a useable database
format? Our company assigns tasks via a departmental
Exchange Mail box task list, they would like to report on
which tasks are past due and send this report to the Vice
President. I cannot find a way to get at the task data in
a file and field format to use say in SQL, Crystal or
Access. Does anyone know if this is even possible??