Hello Team,
I am focusing in on an outlook problem, where outlook 2003 on startup
shows an error report dialog and quits after selecting "Send" or "Do not
Send to microsoft".
This happens when Outlook detects that there is a VBAProject.OTM file
present with vba-macro's.
The situation is as follows:
1.The administrator has installed -using an image - ol2003 using the
standard installation.
The missing software should automatically be stored from a server when
detected as not present on the local pc.
2.Office 2000 is installed on the image, containing Access, Word, Excel,
Powerpoint, FrontPage, but no Outlook.
After an Outlook repair on the pc Outlook 2003 works fine. Except for
about 3 pc's (on about 40) the problem did not return. After the repair
1 pc reported the same problem 3 times. Every time the repair solved the
problem. But I am figuring out why on this particular pc the same
problem keeps on coming.
Is it possible that the combination of Office2000 And Outlook2003
creates a conflict ?
Please, is there someone that has some experience on this issue ?
I am focusing in on an outlook problem, where outlook 2003 on startup
shows an error report dialog and quits after selecting "Send" or "Do not
Send to microsoft".
This happens when Outlook detects that there is a VBAProject.OTM file
present with vba-macro's.
The situation is as follows:
1.The administrator has installed -using an image - ol2003 using the
standard installation.
The missing software should automatically be stored from a server when
detected as not present on the local pc.
2.Office 2000 is installed on the image, containing Access, Word, Excel,
Powerpoint, FrontPage, but no Outlook.
After an Outlook repair on the pc Outlook 2003 works fine. Except for
about 3 pc's (on about 40) the problem did not return. After the repair
1 pc reported the same problem 3 times. Every time the repair solved the
problem. But I am figuring out why on this particular pc the same
problem keeps on coming.
Is it possible that the combination of Office2000 And Outlook2003
creates a conflict ?
Please, is there someone that has some experience on this issue ?