mackenzie Carpenter
Three things happened to me this weekend that I believe
made my OUtlook Express run much more slowly, if at all:
1) I upgraded to Outlook Express 6; 2) I "enabled" an
Internet Firewall from Microsoft's web site; 2) I also
downloaded more protection from a website called
eAnthology.com (which actually was recommended to me by a
Dell service tech).
WOuld these extra security measures -- plus the newly
upgraded Outlook express -- have anything to do with the
new slowness of Outlook?
made my OUtlook Express run much more slowly, if at all:
1) I upgraded to Outlook Express 6; 2) I "enabled" an
Internet Firewall from Microsoft's web site; 2) I also
downloaded more protection from a website called
eAnthology.com (which actually was recommended to me by a
Dell service tech).
WOuld these extra security measures -- plus the newly
upgraded Outlook express -- have anything to do with the
new slowness of Outlook?