Outlook should better manage conversations

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Outlook should better manage conversations in that if a series of replies to
messages are wholy contained in the reply, the original message should be
deleted or moved out of the way (to a conversation folder). This will help
manage the size of one's inbox by reducing the number of duplicated messages.

This can be implemented in a manner similar to the Junk mail filter. It
should have the option to delete or move to a user specified folder.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

I'm not clear on how that might work. Would you have separate folders for
every conversation or just a single subfolder that contains all of the

Wouldn't it be easier to just arrange your folder "By Conversation" and
collapse all of the conversations you don't want to read right now?


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!
What I am really looking for is an option that works as follows:

Receive Msg A.
Reply to Msg A with Msg BA. Message BA contains all of Msg A in its text,
similar to how this message has your reply to me.
The other sender replies to Msg BA with Msg CBA.

The process would operate similar to Rules and Alerts when messages arrive
in your inbox, search for all messages with the same conversation property.
It would then compare the incomming message (new message) to the others in
the inbox (old Message(s)). If the old message is entirely contained in the
new message the old message is moved to the Deleted Items folder or another
Folder of your choosing. Only one folder for all conversations.