Once again you're missing my point. I know that I can set up rules to delete
items from specific addresses or domains. However, I should not HAVE to set
up a rule for every single person/company/domain that sends me annoying email
and is on my blocked list. That is what the blocked list is for, so this
should happen automatically. Outlook already provides 95% of the solution by
letting you maintain a blocked list and easily adding addresses/domains to
that list. The only piece that is missing is the final step of automatically
deleting items from addresses/domains on your blocked list.
Alternatively, there should be a way to create a rule to delete items from
addresses/domains that are in your blocked list. Currently you can only
specify specific addresses, mailing lists, or domains. I haven't found a way
to set it to delete from items in the blocked list. If there is a way to do
this, it isn't obvious.
Diane - I appreciate all of your input in this matter. It's very helpful to
me and to others that may read this down the road. It's obvious that you
know a lot about this subject by the fact that you are a Microsoft MVP.
However, I believe that technology (software) should adapt to how people
want to do their work, not make people jump through hoops and adapt the way
they work to the technology. Obviously there has to be some give and take in
this area because software developers cannot account for every person's
idiosychracies. I am a software developer myself, so I know this fact very
I'm sure your years of experience with Outlook have taught you how to
accomplish a lot of things with rules. But they can't do everything that
everyone would like. Microsoft has put a lot of work into Outlook, and I'm
sure they have spent a lot of time working on the junk mail stuff as well.
All I'd like to see is for them to complete the circle on this one little
thing and make a way to automatically delete items from addresses/domains
that have, for whatever reason, been put on your blocked list. Whether this
is an option in the junk email options dialog, or an easy to set up rule, I
don't care. It just needs to be available.
Diane Poremsky said:
you can set up rules to delete mail from addresses or domains.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Author, Google and Other Search Engines (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Join OneNote Tips mailing list:
Erik F said:
I understand that trying to block spam using the blocked list is not very
effective because spammers change the address they use so often. However,
that was not the point of my suggestion (notice that I never once
spam). My point is that if you do have an address or domain already set
be blocked, and an email arrives from one of them, you should be able to
an option that would delete it automatically.
Besides, some might claim that companies that won't stop emailing you are
sending you a form of spam. Since these companies are probably using the
same address each time, the blocked list IS effective at blocking their
messages. It's just very annoying to have to keep deleting them over and
over again.
FWIW, the blocked list is a useless waste of time for all but a few
addresses (like from annoying people or companies that won't stop
For more information on using Safe and blocked lists, see
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Author, Google and Other Search Engines (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Join OneNote Tips mailing list:
There should be an option in the Junk Email Options box that allows you
automatically delete emails that come from addresses or domains that
your blocked list. These emails already get caught and sent to the
box. Why can't they just get deleted? I've already indicated that
should be blocked.
However, I don't want to check the existing "Permanently delete
junk mail..." box because I still want to scan the junk email box to
sure something good didn't get through.
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