Outlook script works in 2000 but not 2003

  • Thread starter Thread starter adammfellows
  • Start date Start date



We use a custom for that has worked with no problems for many months.
However, some users have now moved on to using Outlook 2003. These
users get an error message on a particular line of code when opening
the form.

It is an Object Required error and is on the line:

set HRcts = ins.modifiedformpages("HR").controls

As I mentioned, this works correctly in Outlook 2000, but not 2003.
Interestingly, there are other "set" commands for other pages in the
form that do not cause errors either in 2000 or 2003. Here is the
code up to that point for reference:

dim ins
dim cts
dim wsh
dim xls
dim xl2
dim HRcts
dim LDcts
dim MOBcts
dim OTHcts
dim XLAppFx

Function Item_Open()

set ins = item.getinspector
ins.hideformpage("Job Desc / Justification")

set cts = ins.modifiedformpages("Message").controls
set xls = GetObject("\\libsppfps002.uk.liberata.net\procurement
set wsh = xls.worksheets("BusArea")
for each r in wsh.usedrange.rows
cts("cmbBusinessArea").additem r.range("A1").value
next ' r
cts("cmbBusinessArea").listindex = cts("txtBusinessArea").value
cts("cmbBusinessCentre").listindex = cts("txtBusinessCentre").value
cts("cmbOperatingUnit").listindex = cts("txtOperatingUnit").value


set xls = GetObject("\\libsppfps002.uk.liberata.net\procurement

set wsh = xls.worksheets("Clients")
for each r2 in wsh.usedrange.rows
cts("cmbRecharge3").additem r2.range("A1").value
next ' r2

cts("cmbRecharge3").listindex = cts("txtRecharge").value


set HRcts = ins.modifiedformpages("HR").controls

I would be very grateful for any help on this.


The error suggests that the HR page is not visible at that point in the code.