Outlook RSS Feed Add-In, Required .NET Framework, Fails with error

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I installed an Outlook RSS Feed Add-In called "IntraVNews" which Required
..NET Framework but it fails with an error that the "JIT Debugging component
registration is incorrect" and then asks me to execute an .exe in one of the
Microsoft shared folders ... being cautious I wanted to check the validity of
this before running that executable ... (yeah, I know, IntraVNews itself
could be the issue) is this a valid error message??
Hi Brad,

Currently I am finding one support professional for you on this issue. If
any update, We will reply here for you at the first time

Best Regards,
Wei-Dong XU
Microsoft Product Support Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
It is my pleasure to be of assistance.
Update/correction: Please note that the machine already had .NET 2.0 (I
think) installed and the IntraVNews install did not fail, nor does the
application itself (Outlook or IntraVNews) fail. The error message I reported
appeared when trying to close Outlook. This has happened 3 times now, but
does NOT happen every time.
I just want to be certain that the file the err msg wants me to execute is
in fact a Microsoft file and not some trojan.

Based on my understanding, you get a error message similar with below.
Just-In-Time Debugging Handler and CLR Remote Host
JIT Debugging component registration is incorrect.

Please repair the installation of the most recent version of Visual Studio
.NET or
Remote Debugging components.

Alternatively, execute the following command as an Administrator to
manually repair
the JIT Debugging component registration:
"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7Debug\vs7jit.exe"

Firstly I want to confirm that the problem will not occur if the Addin is
not enabled.

From the description, the error usually occurred when there is an
unhandled exception and .NET framework is trying to load the JIT debugger.

So I guess there may be something wrong in the Addin which caused an
unhandled exception, so please check if the problem occur only when the
addin is enabled to isolate the problem.

If this is the problem, I think you may try to contact the addin developer
to look into what cause the addin to throw unhandled exception.


Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
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Hi Peter. Thank you, I will contact the company. From your answer, can I
assume then that the vs7jit.exe file IS in fact a valid Microsoft file that I
can safely execute?

Yes, vs7jit.exe is file which is shipped with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
and Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1.
You can safely execute it if you make sure it is not changed since you
install it. (Because virus or else may add something to the file)

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
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