outlook.pst "Access is denied"



Yesterday, for the first time, I used a "feature" of my
Microtek scanner software that is supposed to allow me to
scan a document and then send it as an email attachment.
When I clicked on it it did scan the document, and then
opened a new message to which it attached the scanned
document. Outlook was not open at this time.

However when I clicked "send" it failed. Now when I click
"send and recieve" mail in Outlook 2000 I receive an error
message stating that access to outlook.pst is denied. It
indicates that another program is using the outlook.pst file?


I've experienced similar problems regarding denied access
due to anoter process retaining control of a file... but
not specifically yours.

The scanner software has probably "forgotten to let go" of
your Outlook file.

Try these... if one doesn't work, move to the next... :)

1) remove the scanner and rebooting...

2) Disable the scanner's software... this can be done
often from within the software itself, or you can use the
Task Manager to shut down the process.

3) If you can't identify which process to shut down,
download and install "Process Viewer" at www.prcview.com.
It's a more powerful form of the Task Manager, and very
helpful in identifying processes because it includes the
filepath to each process. You can Identify your Scanner
Software by its Filepath and "kill" it. (It's free, and
I've never been spammed from it)

4) Copy the Outlook file to another directory... I keep
mine in a folder called "Outlook" (...how original :)
in "MY Documents". Then rename the original file... if you
get "Access Denied" for renaming it then make a sub-folder
and move the file there. PS: Close outlook before doing
this. When you restart outlook, you'll get a message that
Outlook can't find the file... and you can browse to the
new location. BUT, if you have any message rules set-up,
you'll be forced to go through each one and "confirm"
it... can be a pain in the a** if you have as many as I do!

5) Un-install/reinstall your scanner... and never scan to
e-mail again!

5) Kick your computer (only kidding!!!)

Good luck...


Thank you Jisha - - - I now have my email receive back.
Thank you for the lead to the Process Viewer utility. I had
already uninstalled the scanner software so I did not see
any conflicting processes. However, your suggestion 4,
moving the files, fixed the problem. Fortunately, there is
no need for me to resort to step 5, physical violence
against my otherwise friendly computer... Keith

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