Any one know the .dll or component for the type lib
I'm using VS and added a project ref to my project but
it's not on my server. And since it's a .olb file I can't
register it on my server.
My ASP needs ref to it:
<!--METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" NAME="Microsoft Outlook 9.0
Object Library" UUID="{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-
000000000046}" VERSION="9.0"-->
I need access to the outlook object.
Also, does any one know a good reference for the methods
and properties of the outlook.application object? I'm
trying to extract the site vistors e-mail (I assume the
default e-mail account parameter) thanx.
I'm using VS and added a project ref to my project but
it's not on my server. And since it's a .olb file I can't
register it on my server.
My ASP needs ref to it:
<!--METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" NAME="Microsoft Outlook 9.0
Object Library" UUID="{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-
000000000046}" VERSION="9.0"-->
I need access to the outlook object.
Also, does any one know a good reference for the methods
and properties of the outlook.application object? I'm
trying to extract the site vistors e-mail (I assume the
default e-mail account parameter) thanx.