Outlook message font suddenly too small when printed out - but not on screen???

  • Thread starter Thread starter Spin
  • Start date Start date



Suddenly my Outlook 2003 emails that I print out to my printer are appearing
in a much smaller font than while viewing them on screen. I went into Tools
Options > Mail Format > Fonts > Message fonts and changed 10 pt. to 12 pt.
but this didn't increase the font as it appeared on my print outs. What am
I doing wrong?
PA Bear said:
Assuming IE7 is installed and the machine is fully patched at Windows
Update, see this previous discussion about Shrink To Fit printing which
applies to both Outlook and Outlook Express:


NB: You don't need to install anything. Go to the More Information
section of http://support.microsoft.com/kb/932538/ (Steps #1 through #3).
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin http://aumha.net
DTS-L http://dts-l.net/

Thanks PA Bear! The instructions rleated to fixing the IE7-imposed
Shrink-To-Fit settings worked!
Spin said:
Thanks PA Bear! The instructions rleated to fixing the IE7-imposed
Shrink-To-Fit settings worked!

YW & thanks very much for your feedback Spin.