Outlook in Office XP crashing ten to twelve times a day



My out look is crashing every few hours. I have tried compacting, Detect
and Repair in Outlook and repair installation from the install discs without
outlook running as well as SCANPST on the outlook.pst file to no avail.

Although I am not usually doing the same thing when it crashes (and
sometimes it crashes while I am not even working in it) It especially seems
to crash at the moment with a Fatal Exception Error while I am trying to
insert a file in an e-mail I am trying to send. (Up until this morning this
never presented problems before and it MAY just be a problem with this
particular email)

The only way I am not using outlook in the normal way is that I was not
autoarchiving. Is there a maximum file size for outlook.pst? Otherwise has
anyone got any ideas for what I can try next? Nothing else in Office
(Meaning Word) crashes.

Brian Tillman

news.microsoft.com said:
The only way I am not using outlook in the normal way is that I was
not autoarchiving. Is there a maximum file size for outlook.pst?

Yes. 1.83 GB.

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

OL2002's max PST size is 2GB.

Do you have any issues with other apps (other than Office apps) on this


Do you have any issues with other apps (other than Office apps) on this
I'm nowhere near that limit AND have autoarchived now AND the problem
persists: The only issues I have are that everything happens syrupy slowly.
I have 744 MHz, 256 Meg and a swap file on a D drive. There SHOULD be
enough memory but I get the impression that the slowness must be because the
OS isn't releasing memory properly (when it closes down applications?). When
I start, everything seems to happen reasonably quickly but pretty
immediately thereafter (and often with only one program running???),
everything slows to a crawl which no amount of updating the OS to renew
DLLs, defragging, scandisking, registry checking, and (usually the best one)
SFC /scannowing seems to help. I even tried to repair the installation and
then a whole repair installation.

Word works fine but is extremely slow looking in directories in its OPEN
FILE screen, which I figured was just a lousy quirk of Word which I never
had in the old days when everyone used WordPerfect (but Photoshop 7, which
I would imagine is the most memory intensive application I have, seems to
work as well as it should)

Though I cant see how this OS problem could affect specifically Outlook?

Is there any way I can get into the continuous error reports it makes to
Microsoft every time it crashes to find out what is going on? It dutifully
thanks me for doing this but doesn't tell me what it reports. Surely that
would tell me something?


The other thing I Have noticed is that it often gets hung up sending and
receiving email and I can see it trying to do this seventeen or more times.
If I close it and reopen it immediately, this problem simply goes away,
everything is received immediately and continues to be received until the
next time this problem reappears

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