Outlook Form : Excel Web component in form using access Datasource

  • Thread starter Thread starter dave
  • Start date Start date


hi basically im creating a custom contact form in a Public Contacts
folder.(Outlook 2002/2003, Exchange 2000)
The aim is to insert an Excel Web component with a Datasource point to an
Access MDB(in the memo field).
This works fine in Design mode but i have 2 issues.
If i just save the form i beilive its called a 'one off' form when i try to
reopen the form i receive the following
"To help prevent malicious code from running, one or more objects in the
form where not load, for more information contact your administrator"

The form will open but minus the excel component.

If i publish the form and change a contacts form to use the custom form i
get the following
"This page access data on another domain. Do you want to allow this?"
"This website is using your identity to access a data source. If you trust
this website, click OK to continue, other wise click cancel"

The form will then open after u OK these with the excel compoent correctly
displayed , the problem is if i try to save the form with an edit say in the
name field , that save wont be applied.

Which approach is best 'one off'' forms or publish a custom form, i beilieve
the latter.
I install the Outlook Security Features Administrative package correctly ( i
The Publish form will open on other machines, i.e it will download the
component correctly but still display the message's

and selected the "Allow in Place Activiation of embedded OLE Objects" and
"Show OLE package objects" from with in that template, and using that
security admin template i trusted the OWC11.DLL office Web component file.I
also reduced marco security to Low.

Any help would be appreciated.