Raymond Hall said:
I use OE, but increasingly despair of it. Easy to use, but one question,
How does one get rid of the messages after a certain time period, (say 6
days for example). I type in 6 days, and compress the files, but where is
the option to get rid of all the old messages.
Ray, Taree, NSW
You do mean mail messages, I presume?
Create a message such as this:
Tools>Message Rules>News.
Box 1: Where the message was sent more than days ago
Box 2: Delete it
Box 3: Click on "Days" and choose the # of days you want.
Name the rule.
*NOTE* This will not delete messages automatically. You have to go to
Rules>News, and click Apply now when you want to do this.
Or, you can click on the last message, scroll up as far as you want
to delete messages, hold down the Shift key and click on that
message. This will highlight the messages in blue. Hit the Delete
Your message headers and message bodies are now deleted.
If you want to delete all messages for a newsgroup, highlight any
message - Ctrl & A>Delete.
Either way you do it, follow up by compacting all your folders
*manually* while working offline.
File>Work Offline (or double click Working Online in the Status Bar).
File>Folder>Compact all folders.
In Tools>Options>Maintenance: Uncheck: Compact messages in background
and leave this unchecked as it can cause problems such as low memory.