Outlook Express


Ken Hyde

I am unable to send or receive email messages through
Outlook Express. My ISP has verified that all server
data is entered correctly. I can receive email through
Web Email but not through Outlook Express. If I upgrade
to Windows XP Pro and install it over the existing XP
Home, would that correct my problem with Outlook Express??


-----Original Message-----
I am unable to send or receive email messages through
Outlook Express. My ISP has verified that all server
data is entered correctly. I can receive email through
Web Email but not through Outlook Express. If I upgrade
to Windows XP Pro and install it over the existing XP
Home, would that correct my problem with Outlook Express??
To reinstall Internet Explorer, copy/paste this line
into a start/run prompt: rundll32.exe
setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 %windir%
\Inf\ie.inf -- Best of Luck, Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-
MVP - Win9x

Ken Blake

Ken Hyde said:
I am unable to send or receive email messages through
Outlook Express. My ISP has verified that all server
data is entered correctly. I can receive email through
Web Email but not through Outlook Express. If I upgrade
to Windows XP Pro and install it over the existing XP
Home, would that correct my problem with Outlook Express??

No, that's highly unlikely. The Outlook Express in XP
Professional is identical to that in XP Home (as is almost


This may not be the answer you are looking for, but I if I understand you
correctly a similar problem this weekend. I was unable to get any email on a
client's computer and I checked all the settings and then called the ISP
support and they verified that all settings were correct. Then finally, it
dawned on me to look at the antivirus program. In this case it was McAfee
which had blocked Outlook Express from accessing the Internet. As soon as I
clicked to allow it, email came flying in.

Peter Hutchison

I am unable to send or receive email messages through
Outlook Express. My ISP has verified that all server
data is entered correctly. I can receive email through
Web Email but not through Outlook Express. If I upgrade
to Windows XP Pro and install it over the existing XP
Home, would that correct my problem with Outlook Express??

Are you sure, then you may have ticked other extra options that are
not required.

Tools, Accounts, Properties and check if:
a) Logon using Secure Password Authentication
(should NOT be ticked)

b) My server requires authentication
(depends on the ISP, but can be off or on)

c) This server requires secure connection (SSL)
(In most cases this should be off for incoming/outgoing mail to ISPs)

Peter Hutchison
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