Outlook Express rules not applying?!?!



Hey everyone, just wondering if lots of other people are having troubles with
the OE message rules. I've created a rule to catch spam with keywords in the
subject, but it doesn't seem to catch all (or even most) of these spam
messages that contain the keywords I've selected in the subject. I have the
"delete from server" option selected. I also created another rule with the
same keywords but have it "move to folder" to a spam folder, this rule didn't
work as well also until I selected the "stop processing more rules" option
and that seemed to make it work better, but that option is not available if
you select the "delete from server" option like in my first rule. Has anyone
else had this problem or have any suggestions? Thanks.

Bruce Hagen

Rules must be in a logical order. Keep all Delete it from server rules
at the top of the list and the rest below. As you noticed, all rules
must have Stop processing more rules checked so another rule doesn't
interfere. The box is grayed out for Delete it from server rules
because it never gets to OE and other rules can't interfere.

Some Message Rule Ideas:

Some tips:

Message Rules not working?:

Bruce Hagen

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