Outlook Express Problem

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My emails are accessed through Outlook Express. (I have Windows XP.) I have four identities set up. All four can send emails, but only three can receive. One identity can not receive incoming messages. I have not been able to receive incoming mail for three days now. It duplicated the last one sent several times and I deleted them. While it tries to receive, an error box always pops up with "terminated the connection / error Ox800CCCOF" My internet service provider has not been able to help me, and it's one of the big name companies. Two different techs on two different days tried everything they knew. They told me it was a microsoft problem. Can someone please help me?
This group is about Microsoft Access - the database.

Please post to an OE group, or you may get some help from:

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Lynn said:
My emails are accessed through Outlook Express. (I have Windows XP.) I
have four identities set up. All four can send emails, but only three can
receive. One identity can not receive incoming messages. I have not been
able to receive incoming mail for three days now. It duplicated the last
one sent several times and I deleted them. While it tries to receive, an
error box always pops up with "terminated the connection / error Ox800CCCOF"
My internet service provider has not been able to help me, and it's one of
the big name companies. Two different techs on two different days tried
everything they knew. They told me it was a microsoft problem. Can someone
please help me?