Outlook Outlook Express Logon pop up

Oct 20, 2008
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We recently had to reset our router connection and when we did so the outlook express program ceased to function properly. When we open up Outlook, immeadiatly a box appears saying Logon pop1.sympatico.ca comes up followed by the logon b1XXXX99 number and password. We have Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 service pack 2 and AVG 7.5. WE never had to type in the password before and if we dont delete saved password and retype it in it just pops up over and over again every 10 seconds or so. This doesn't allow us to recieve emails to the computer or send emails. Can somone tell em what happened and how I can fix it. Thanks
Have you tried Tools> Options> Mail Setup> View existing email?

Check that the settings are correct. Sometimes strange things occur,especially when you've made other changes such as router settings. :nod:
I checked the tools in outlook but there isn't a Mail setup. I'm afraid I have no experience with outlook, its a problem in the family that is asking me to fix lol. I have a bunch of tabs in the options menu, General, Read, Receipts, Send, Compose, Signatures, Spelling, Security, Connection and Maintenance. They all seem to be okay but I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. If you could give me a really detailed explanation of how to fix it, that would be appreciated thanks.
You keep mentioning Outlook but is it Outlook Express ? They are different. I see on your header Outlook Express so you need to look in Tools> Accounts. Then highlight the Mail section and go into Properties. In General make sure your email address is correct. In Servers make sure that The Incoming Server is POP3 (or IMAP if you're on Gmail)

In Servers the Incoming Mail and Outgoing Mail addresses should be available from your ISP ( they will be something like pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk and smpt.mail.yahoo.co.uk - the codes for yahoo for instance)

Incoming Mail Server should have your name and password and tick Remember Password.

Outgoing Mail Server - tick Needs Authentication and then go into Settings and tick Use same settings as Incoming.
Leave Connection and Security alone and then go into Advanced and check the Port Numbers - Incoming should be 25 and Outgoing should be 110.

If you've changed anything click Apply and then OK.

Now your settings should be back to normal. Then cross your fingers and try the system again. :thumb:
Okay, Thanks for explaining everything. Yes I do have Outlook Express, I didn't now there was something called Outlook. I followed the steps and only changed one thing in the Outgoing Mail server, I ticked the needs authentication. and pressed apply. I'll check the system again later when he checks it.