Outlook Express - files to back up?

  • Thread starter Burton J. Greenberg
  • Start date

Burton J. Greenberg

Using WinXPpro on a P4 computer. I want to backup my email files,
favorites, and address book by burning copies of the files to a cd. I
have found the favorites at C:\documents and settings/admin/favorites.
Email files are in c:\documents and settings/admin/local
settings/application data/ identities...
The address book, in previous Win versions was a .wab file in an address
book subdirectory. Where is this info now? I did find the .exe file in
c:\program files/outlook express, but where is the actual data file for
the address book? Is the only recourse available to export it and then
backup the exported file which can then be restored with the OE import

Bruce Hagen

Tools>Options>Maintenance>Store folder will reveal the
of your Outlook Express files. Press the Tab key to
highlight the folder location, then Ctrl+C. Close OE,
then Start>Run>Ctrl+V will put the location in the box -
Click OK and you'll see the OE files. Otherwise, write
the location down and navigate to it in Windows

In WindowsXP & 2K, the OE user files (DBX and WAB) are
by default
marked as hidden. To view these files in Explorer, you
must enable
Show Hidden Files and Folders under Start>Control

For Address Book location, in OE, open the Address Book
| Help | About Address Book. This will show you the

Backup & Restore:

Bruce Hagen

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