outlook express emails wont show pictures



Have win xp home and using outlook express 6

My emails dont show any pictures in the message body anyone know why.

Im using norton personal fire wall and I have installed SP2


Michael T

I would begin by checking your OE Security settings.

Tools > Options > Security

Notice there are checkboxes for both of these options:
(1) Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be
a virus
(2) Block images and other external content in HTML e-mail

FYI, you will be better served by posting OE questions at

PA Bear

My emails dont show any pictures in the message body...

What emails, ones you send? Ones sent to you?
OE6-specific newsgroup:

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (Shell, IE/OE) & Security, AH-VSOP

Inside Outlook Express


Where they imbedded or attachments? Has attachments been disabled? Do you
receive any error message? What are your settings via Tools/Options/Read
and Send set to. Also, check under Security.


All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP

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