John Howard
I'm upgrading from a P2 to a P4 processor, and therefore
new motherboard as well. I've been told that I'll have
to re-install the OS and all applications. I'm now
noting down all the files I'll have to backup. The
instructions for backing-up email folders simply
say "find the files with a .dbx extension and copy them
to another location".
When I check the Properties of my folders in the Outlook
Express folder window, they all say they are in location:
C:\Documents and Settings\John\Application
\Microsoft\Outlook Express\xxxxxx.dbx. When I use the
explorer to view this path, it ends at the "...77033A}"
folder, which shows no content in the explorer pane, and
whose properties show it to be of size 0 bytes.
These files don't seem to be accessible, and since there
doesn't appear to be an export function for folders, how
do I go aboput backing-up my folders and email contents?
Also, can I tell Outlook Express that I want to move my
email and folders to my data drive, to make mass backups
more convenient?
Thanks for any info provided.
new motherboard as well. I've been told that I'll have
to re-install the OS and all applications. I'm now
noting down all the files I'll have to backup. The
instructions for backing-up email folders simply
say "find the files with a .dbx extension and copy them
to another location".
When I check the Properties of my folders in the Outlook
Express folder window, they all say they are in location:
C:\Documents and Settings\John\Application
\Microsoft\Outlook Express\xxxxxx.dbx. When I use the
explorer to view this path, it ends at the "...77033A}"
folder, which shows no content in the explorer pane, and
whose properties show it to be of size 0 bytes.
These files don't seem to be accessible, and since there
doesn't appear to be an export function for folders, how
do I go aboput backing-up my folders and email contents?
Also, can I tell Outlook Express that I want to move my
email and folders to my data drive, to make mass backups
more convenient?
Thanks for any info provided.