I mainly use Outlook, but i have also used Outlook Express in the pas
for secondary accounts. I tried to setup a new Hotmail account in m
Outlook Express today (and some months ago, too) and O.Ex. refused t
setup the account correctly
It used to be so easy in the past (you entered the mail address an
password and all done automatically and smoothly...). But today..
I entered the details (mail address, password), the account type wa
(by default) selected "HOTMAIL", the setup is finished and then i ge
the question "do you want to synchronize the Hotmail folders?"
Of course i answer Yes
The synchronisation starts... the icon of the files flying ove
folders (progress....) begins, and after some seconds i get th
"An unknown error has occured"
I click Details and i read
Access to Hotmail via Outlook and Outlook Express now requires
subscription. Please sign up at http://upgrade.msn.co
Account: Hotmai
Server: http://services.msn.com/svcs/hotmail/httpmail.as
User name: (e-mail address removed)
Protocol: HTTPMai
Code: 8000400
I visit the recommended "http://upgrade.msn.com" and this link jump
automatically to a general interest page of various services o
What is the problem? What kind of subscription should i perform
There was no subscription till recently
What has changed with Hotmail and Outlook/Outlook Express???
What is that i don't get?
Thank you very much in advance for your precious help/answer
for secondary accounts. I tried to setup a new Hotmail account in m
Outlook Express today (and some months ago, too) and O.Ex. refused t
setup the account correctly
It used to be so easy in the past (you entered the mail address an
password and all done automatically and smoothly...). But today..
I entered the details (mail address, password), the account type wa
(by default) selected "HOTMAIL", the setup is finished and then i ge
the question "do you want to synchronize the Hotmail folders?"
Of course i answer Yes
The synchronisation starts... the icon of the files flying ove
folders (progress....) begins, and after some seconds i get th
"An unknown error has occured"
I click Details and i read
Access to Hotmail via Outlook and Outlook Express now requires
subscription. Please sign up at http://upgrade.msn.co
Account: Hotmai
Server: http://services.msn.com/svcs/hotmail/httpmail.as
User name: (e-mail address removed)
Protocol: HTTPMai
Code: 8000400
I visit the recommended "http://upgrade.msn.com" and this link jump
automatically to a general interest page of various services o
What is the problem? What kind of subscription should i perform
There was no subscription till recently
What has changed with Hotmail and Outlook/Outlook Express???
What is that i don't get?
Thank you very much in advance for your precious help/answer