Outlook Express blocing attachments

  • Thread starter debbiechocolate
  • Start date


Over the past few weeks Outlook Express will not allow
someone to send me an attachment. I receive the actual
email with the text typed in, but it has a yellow band
across the top with an error message that reads: "OE
removed access to the following unsafe attachements in
your mail..." then the name of the file. In the past, I
have received all attachments and now I cannot get any.
The only thing I recently changed is that I updated my
Microsoft program (downloaded files)and selected the
option of having Microsoft automatically update my pc
whenever something new is available. Did I download
something that has changed OE's filter to block all
attachments? I want my attachments again!

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Tools->Options->Security tab.

This newsgroup is for support of Outlook 97-2003 from the Office
family for Windows PCs. For Outlook Express (OE) support try posting in one
these newsgroups:
microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4.outlookexpress for OE 4.x
microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie5.outlookexpress for OE 5.x
for OE 5.5x
for OE 6.x
for the Macintosh version of OE

If those groups aren't carried on the news server that's carrying this group
try using msnews.microsoft.com (MS's public news server that's the source
for all the microsoft.public newsgroups). The links under the newsgroup
references are for use with MS's web newsreader (not exactly the best way to
post but it works for some people)

Also a good source of Outlook Express info can be found here:

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After searching google.groups.com and finding no answer:
debbiechocolate <[email protected]> asked:
| Over the past few weeks Outlook Express will not allow
| someone to send me an attachment. I receive the actual
| email with the text typed in, but it has a yellow band
| across the top with an error message that reads: "OE
| removed access to the following unsafe attachements in
| your mail..." then the name of the file. In the past, I
| have received all attachments and now I cannot get any.
| The only thing I recently changed is that I updated my
| Microsoft program (downloaded files)and selected the
| option of having Microsoft automatically update my pc
| whenever something new is available. Did I download
| something that has changed OE's filter to block all
| attachments? I want my attachments again!


I too am having this problem and I'm anxious to find out
what the reason is...I've searched helptext and
troubleshooting but havn't found the source of the
problem. And I agree....I WANT MY ATTACHMENTS BACK!!!!!!

Hal Hostetler [MVP DTS]

Go to 'Tools|Options|Security' and remove the checkmark from the box labeled
"Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a
virus." More info is in these articles:

To disable the blocking of Any attachments, see:
Cannot Open E-Mail Attachments in Outlook Express 6 After You Install SP1

To adjust which types of attachments OE blocks, see:
OLEXP: Using Virus Protection Features in OLEXP 6
(OE removed access to the unsafe attachments in your email)

Hal Hostetler, CPBE -- (e-mail address removed)
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-DTS -- WA7BGX
http://www.kvoa.com -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC NBC-IN
Got Blues? - www.badnewsbluesband.com


In outlook express 6 the default is to block attachments. To fix the
problem click on tools, click options, click security, under virus
protection it has a box checked that says not to allow attachment to
be opened or saved. I hope this helps.



First, thanks for your quick response. Unfortunately, I
tried your approach but I cannot get it to work. I did
click on Tools/Options/Security and that's as far as I can
go. Under Security, there are not any options listed that
even resemble "virus protection" or "changing status of
attachments". I just see 4 icons that say "internet,
intranet, secured sites, and restricted sites. I clicked
on each one of these but there is no reference to virus
filters or attachments. Any other suggestions?


First, thanks for your quick response! Unfortunately, I
cannot complete the instructions you gave me. I have
clicked on Tools/Internet Options/Security but there is
not any "box" to check or uncheck that references
attachments being saved. After I click on Security, what
I see on my screen are 4 icons that say: Intertnet, local
intranet, secured sites (or something like that) and
restricted sites. I do not have any boxes that can be
checked or unchecked. I even clicked on all of these
icons and I do find a list of boxes to check, but nothing
pertains to attachements. Any other suggestions?


Never mind! It worked! I clicked on the wrong "Options"
(I was still in the message and used that tool bar instead
of OE6's main toolbar. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!


It worked! I finally clicked on the right combination of
Tolls.Options/Security and uncheck the box you suggested!
Instantly I have my attachments back.

Note: for anyone else who tries this, make sure you are
in Outlook Express's main toolbar, then click on
Tools/Options/Security. I made the mistake of opening the
email in question then using that toolbar. I could not
find the "security box" to uncheck after Tools/Internet
Options/Security. Once I closed out of that email and
went back to the main menu (with Inbox, Outbox, Sent Mail,
Draft, etc), then I used that toolbar and it worked.

Brian Tillman

debbiechocolate said:
First, thanks for your quick response! Unfortunately, I
cannot complete the instructions you gave me. I have
clicked on Tools/Internet Options/Security but there is
not any "box" to check or uncheck that references
attachments being saved.

You obviously didn't read what you were told. You are looking in Internet
Explorer's Tools menu when you should be looking at Outlook Express' Tools


----- debbiechocolate wrote: ----

Over the past few weeks Outlook Express will not allow
someone to send me an attachment. I receive the actual
email with the text typed in, but it has a yellow band
across the top with an error message that reads: "OE
removed access to the following unsafe attachements in
your mail..." then the name of the file. In the past, I
have received all attachments and now I cannot get any.
The only thing I recently changed is that I updated my
Microsoft program (downloaded files)and selected the
option of having Microsoft automatically update my pc
whenever something new is available. Did I download
something that has changed OE's filter to block all
attachments? I want my attachments again

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