Outlook Express 6



Whilst tyring to open OE6 I get the following message :-
Outlook express could not be started. The application was
unable to open the Outlook Express message store. Your
computer maybe out of memory or the disk is full. Contact
Microsoft for support for further assistance.
After pressing OK the following appears :-
Outlook express could not be started because MSOE.DLL
could not be initalized. Outlook Express may not be
installed correctly.
Up until now OE has benn working ok. This problem has just
occured. Any Ideas

Robert Kent

Tony said:
Whilst tyring to open OE6 I get the following message :-
Outlook express could not be started. The application was
unable to open the Outlook Express message store. Your
computer maybe out of memory or the disk is full. Contact
Microsoft for support for further assistance.
After pressing OK the following appears :-
Outlook express could not be started because MSOE.DLL
could not be initalized. Outlook Express may not be
installed correctly.
Up until now OE has benn working ok. This problem has just
occured. Any Ideas
Is the hard drive full?

Vincent Fatica

I could start it from Explorer, but from nowhere else. Starting it from
other apps requires those apps to have the


environment variable set. Check here:


If "ProgramFiles" is not set, set it to something appropriate like
"C:\Program Files". If this is in fact your problem, you'll probably
need to restart the app you're using to start MSIMN.EXE (OE).

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