Thank you for your response. I was able to export the registry keys I needed, use Textpad to edit out all the needless stuff, and create Rules for the domains I wanted to filter. I figure one semi-long Rule is better than 590 blocked addresses, and much easier to work with. Thanks again for your help.
Tony Talmage
Web Developer
Graphic Education Corporation
Phone: (888) 354-6600
Hi Tony,
The Outlook Express Mail Rules are stored in the registry. For more information see
the following Microsoft Knowledge Base Article:
KB276511 - OLEXP: How to Backup and Restore Outlook Express Blocked Senders List
and Other Mail Rules
As for information about editing the registry to add rules, I suggest that you post
to an Outlook Express newsgroup. I can tell by your Internet Header that you are
posting to the newsgroups using Outlook Express. "To find newsgroups of interest"
using Outlook Express search Help for words in double-quotes, follow the steps given,
and search using the following term: outlookexpress
Carrie Garth, Microsoft MVP for Windows 2000
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: "Tony Talmage" <ttalmage AT graphiced DOT com>
: Wrote in message : Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 11:42 AM
: I was just wondering if the Rules/Blocked Addresses are stored in a file of
: some kind; I'm getting about 10MB of Swen messages a day, and instead
: of blocking the domains and thus deleting the messages, I would like to add
: a rule to filter them into a specific folder in case I get real mail from a blocked
: domain. However, with 200 addresses blocked, it would take a decent amount
: of time to go back and forth between Blocked Addresses and Rules. Is there
: any way I can text-edit a file containing these blocked addresses so that I could
: lessen the transition time?